Aspire Gorham

This year at Gorham Middle School (GMS), 8th graders have an opportunity to explore the programs offered at Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC).

As the result of a grant, WRVC has created the “Tech Start” program for middle schoolers. In small cohorts, students spend four days learning about one of the 20+ programs that WRVC offers for high school juniors and seniors. After spending four days exploring the program, students spend one day at GMS reflecting on their experiences and doing extension and complementary activities. Then, students rotate to the next program.

So far, GMS students have explored Computer Repair, Cosmetology, Early Childhood, Electrician, and Social Service programs, learning from the qualified and talented educators at WRVC. They are eager to also try subjects like Culinary Arts, Firefighting, and Automotive Repair. Students are having a blast exploring various career pathways that will be open to them in the near future.

Photo credit Jen Belanger
GMS students explore the commercial driver’s license program and get hands-on experience in a medical program offered at WRVC.

“This is one of the best things I’ve ever done in school,” says Danny, 8th-grade student.

“This week in Computer Repair, I learned about IP addresses. Also, we learned about how to repair minor problems on computers,” says Gavin, 8th-grade student.

“I was thinking about becoming a hairdresser before I started this class and then I learned so much more about hairstyling. I can’t wait to explore this subject more,” says Haley, 8th-grade student.