The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Gorham Schools will resume the volunteer program that was suspended due to Covid-19 in March 2020. “We will be allowing volunteers back in the classrooms shortly after school begins,” Superintendent Heather Perry said. Those interested should register online at the Gorham School website.

Some opportunities include classroom volunteering, chaperoning field trips and GMS dances, helping with clubs and athletics, volunteering in libraries, and helping with vision and hearing screening.

All volunteers will follow the same Covid-19 policies as staff and students.

Registration and a background check are required every year for all volunteers. New volunteers accepted for the program should contact Kelly Reed, volunteer coordinator, to receive access to the online volunteer orientation. Former volunteers who have already attended an orientation do not need to complete the new 15-20 minute online version.

For more information and to register, visit the Gorham Schools website.