The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Saving Lives, Property & Money

Residential sprinkler systems can save lives and properties in the short-term and lower insurance premiums and public safety budgets in the long-term. That’s why Gorham has an ordinance that requires them. However, installing a residential sprinkler system does increase the cost of home construction. That is why I introduced a bill, LD 1364, to study whether it would be feasible and desirable for the State of Maine to provide incentives for developers, builders and home buyers to install residential sprinklers and, if so, in what form the incentives should take, who should deliver them and how they should be advertised and delivered.

I am proud to report that the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted unanimously in favor of LD 1364 to study incentives for residential sprinkler systems. I am thankful to Rep. Newman, R-Belgrade, for helping to improve the bill and Rep. Warren, D-Hallowell, for her support.

Giving More Voice to Young Mainers

LD 1497, “An Act To Establish the Maine Youth Impact Commission,” was introduced by my colleague, Rep. Warren, before my legislative committee this session and would create a commission of young people ages 15-31 to provide input in the state’s policy making. As my committee began to work the bill, it became clear that there were unintended consequences and political challenges that would make passage of the bill unlikely. I felt strongly that some version of the bill needed to pass because the voices and perspectives of young Mainers are needed in government decision-making. Therefore, I worked with the bill’s sponsor, stakeholders and colleagues on a bipartisan amendment that:

• Changed the “commission” to a “task force,” which has fiscal and structural implications that better positioned the bill;

• Directed the task force to focus on workforce and economic development issues, rather than open-ended issue engagement and advocacy; and

• Brought the task force within Maine Development Foundation’s existing RealizeMaine program, rather than creating a new commission within the Governor’s Office.

I am proud that this amendment secured majority bipartisan support among my colleagues on the Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business Committee. I am especially grateful to the Maine Development Foundation and Rep. Collamore, R-Pittsfield, for their support.

Modernizing the Maine Legislature

Sen. Trey Stewart (R-Presque Isle) and I introduced similar bills this session calling for the creation of legislative commissions to study changes that might be made to legislative structures and processes to improve the operations of the Legislature and, in turn, generate better outcomes for the Maine people. My bill, LD 1670, was titled “Resolve, To Establish the Commission To Study and Recommend Solutions for Modernizing the Maine Legislature,”

After the State and Local Government Committee held separate public hearings on both of our bills, Sen. Stewart and I worked together on a consolidated and bipartisan proposal to advance our common objective. I am proud to report that the committee voted unanimously in favor of our joint proposal to create this commission, which will broadly examine reforms to, and restructuring of the Legislature from top to bottom to create efficiencies, promote collaboration and generate better outcomes for Mainers.

Rep. Kyle Bailey, D-Gorham, is serving his first term in the Maine House of Representatives. He serves on the Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business Committee. You can reach him at or (207) 939-8600. For immediate assistance, please send a text message.