The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper


Dear Readers,

As the new editor of the Gorham Times, I would like to introduce myself. You may recognize me from my run for a seat on our Town Council in November 2020. Through the preparation for that campaign, I learned so much about our community. Though my bid was unsuccessful, I am grateful for the opportunities it has brought about to serve this community another way.

Photo credit Mint and Thistle Photography

Nearly 3 years ago I moved to Gorham, but had been working toward my degree at the University of Southern Maine before the move. My husband, child, and I moved to be closer to USM and my husband’s new job. I have met wonderful people and made delightful friends, and I am so thankful my child is doing the same in the Gorham schools. Being a member of the community means so much to me, and I have looked for more and more ways to serve. As the editor of the Gorham Times, I have taken on a vital role for the people of Gorham, and I take that very seriously.

The wonderful volunteers at this publication are truly the heart, soul, and backbone of this operation. They have welcomed me with open arms and smiling faces (via Zoom) and I am so thankful and encouraged. It is a delight to be part of a team of such passionate individuals.

Lastly, a few fun facts about me. I have been a freelance editor of books and essays since I finished my undergraduate degree. My undergraduate degree is in Classical Performance – Voice. I am passionate about the environment and am on the never ending journey of working toward a zero waste lifestyle. I enjoy quilting, knitting, and trying to keep plants alive both in and out of doors.

Now that you have heard from me, I want to hear from you. If you have suggestions, comments, interest in joining the Gorham Times, or a story idea, please contact me at The Gorham Times is always looking for more talent. Please join me in continuing the goal of this wonderful newspaper: “to bring the news to all of Gorham.”


Christie Paul