GHS Student Intern

While the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause shifts in what a “normal” school day looks like, schools are continuing to try to adapt to CDC guidelines and, in New England, the weather.

According to Tom Smith, Gorham Middle School (GMS) assistant principal, GMS “currently has 12 outdoor classroom spaces that allow students to safely distance while taking mask breaks and participating in lessons.”

Those 12 outdoor classrooms have various settings, such as stumps, buckets, and other fun materials to allow students some fresh air during the school day.

“We are very thankful to our community for the generous donations of time and materials to make this happen,” said Smith.

Photo credit Sadie Fiore
Outdoor classroom spaces have been designed around Gorham Schools to allow students to safely distance while taking mask breaks and participate in school lessons, during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Terri Dawson, our technology integrator, developed a sign-out sheet that teachers use to assign spaces at the beginning of each day,” said Smith. The sign-out sheets allow teachers to inform others at school where their classes are and that they are taking a mask break outside. The sign-out sheets also help minimize interaction with other staff and students.

GMS, along with the other four Gorham Schools, is hoping to use the outdoor COVID-free spaces for as long as they can until the cold weather arrives. They are hoping students bring jackets and warmer clothes so they can use the outdoor spaces as long as possible.

When the cold weather comes to stay, all classrooms inside the schools have desks six feet apart for the safety of the staff and students.