Superintendent of Gorham Schools

As we get ready to reopen the Gorham Schools while still in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, I thought I would share with everyone a quote that I constantly read and re-read while navigating these uncharted territories during this unprecedented time. This is a quote that I keep posted on my office wall and I think it is timely for each of us to think about and reflect upon . . .

“What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you.” – Neilia Connors

There is no doubt we are all being “squeezed” . . . as a staff, as parents, and as community members. I believe it is our collective responsibility to model for others, especially our children, how we respond to these circumstances in such a way as to ensure that what “comes out” represents who and what we really are and how we want ourselves to be seen by others.

These difficult times will continue to test our moral compass and our strength of character as individuals and as a collective community. There is no “playbook” for the decisions that we are having to make right now, and there is no way that everyone will be “pleased” with any single decision made. We encourage kindness and understanding as we navigate these challenging times together. Gorham has always been a community that “shines brightest” under the most trying of circumstances. A community that comes together to support one another even (and often especially) in the most difficult of times. I believe that as long as we ALL follow our school’s code of conduct with: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Courage and Compassion, we will persevere and be stronger as a school and community for it.

Now as in the past – I am proud to see what comes “out” of our community when we are “squeezed.” THANK YOU!