The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Will there be a grace period for property taxes which are due next month?

State tax law is fairly rigid and does not allow for much wiggle room as far as a grace period on property taxes. That being said, the Town Council will likely make a decision at its May 4 meeting whether or not to extend the May 15 due date for property taxes. There is some debate with the state as to whether or not municipalities may extend their due date, however we have currently been advised that it can be done and several other municipalities in the area that had due dates before ours have extended their timetables. One item I would like to make very clear is that through the Town’s property tax process there is no desire to acquire or take property for lack of payment and that is never the intention of the town. Due dates, even if extended, allow for residents to pay their taxes late with interest charges without fear of losing their homes.

Does the Town have a date to reopen any part of the Town offices?

Although the Town is planning on how to open specific municipal offices in the future to limit exposure to both employees and patrons, there is currently no date projected for the Town to reopen our offices. We will rely heavily on state CDC guidance as well as directives from the Governor.

What is happening with applications for new homes/businesses?

Applications in all departments are still being processed, either online, through drop off or through the mail. There is still a fair amount of applications coming in which is encouraging and staff is still working to process them.

Where do the plans to develop the Rines Property stand?

The Gorham Industrial Park Steering Committee met two weeks ago for the first time remotely. The project is moving forward but has been delayed to an extent due to the pandemic. The Town’s contracted engineers are still working on environmental work, permitting, and designs. We expect work to continue on the design of the park throughout the year but it is unlikely that any construction would begin in 2020.

Has the Town received more requests for assistance from residents as a result of the pandemic/stay at home order and has it been able to respond?

So far the Town has been able to respond to all requests for assistance and service through our various departments. I cannot give enough credit to our employees who have adapted to meet these challenges. Many departments that were typically focused on in-person programs or services have been shifted to assist with food programs, helping vulnerable populations, etc. Our Public Safety personnel have been working diligently around the clock to provide services to the Town as well as to procure medical supplies wherever possible. A small amount of supplies have trickled in from the state however the bulk of the Town’s preparedness with equipment and resources happened in the weeks leading up to the pandemic when department managers tirelessly sought out resources throughout the state from Home Depots to paint stores.