The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Contributing Writer

You know Spring has finally arrived when everyone sheds their coats and takes to the street on their bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters. This year, while we are all sheltering in place, we have a unique opportunity to enjoy these outdoor activities with our families as never before. Whether you walk, run, or ride together, the much needed exercise and fresh air are beneficial to your mind, body and mood. It also offers an opportunity to explore the neighborhood and connect with one another.

The decrease in everyday traffic due to the pandemic may give a false sense of security to pedestrians and cyclists, however, that could result in complacence and risky behavior, especially for the youngest of us. It’s hard to remember to come to a full stop at the end of the street when you are having the time of your life on your new bike. But it’s an opportune moment for the family to learn the “Rules of the Road” together, and make it fun.

The National Highway and Traffic Administration (NHTSA) has created a Bicycle Safety Activity Kit that provides parents and teachers with the tools for teaching basic bike safety to children. It contains nine fun activities that are geared for each age group and can be downloaded and played in the comfort of your home.

For both children and adults, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center has created a list of basic safety tips on its website that everyone, not just cyclists, should review every now and then. It includes how to ride, where to ride or walk, what to watch out for, and many other common sense tips.

If you are looking for the actual laws versus just tips, the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) has complied a comprehensive list of the Maine Bicycling Laws which can be found online. It not only lists the responsibilities of the cyclist, but also of motor vehicles operators when they approach a cyclist.

Whether you are six years old on your first bike, a teenager learning to drive a car, or a senior strolling around the neighborhood, you can brush up on the rules of the road and improve the safety for all of us.

For more information, visit the following websites:

Bicycle Safety Activity Kit

Safety Tips for Cyclists

Maine Bicycling Laws