Staff Writer

At the last regular meeting of the School Committee (SC), Superintendent Heather Perry reported on the School Department’s preparedness and planning for COVID-19 in Gorham. Working with community partners, school nurses, and the district’s leadership team, she has updated the pandemic flu plan developed in 2009. She has arranged with the custodial services to increase classroom cleaning and instructed teachers to insist that students practice good hygiene and regular hand washing. Nurses have adequate supplies, and plans are being made for isolating anyone at school who is found to be ill.

Although Perry hopes she will not need to close schools, the district is finalizing plans to continue educational programming and some food service for 6-8 weeks if necessary. There is no steadfast rule for closing schools; in Maine, that decision lies with the superintendent.

Perry has been in communication with superintendents from neighboring school districts and has posted a detailed report on these precautions, plans, and continuing preparations on her blog at She is also communicating with Maine CDC and will be updating her blog frequently.

The SC heard an update on the Adult Education Program. Although there are many popular enrichment offerings, Director Shelli Pride focused on educational and work-related programs for adults. Currently nine students are enrolled in HiSet, previously the GRE. Seventeen volunteers are working with 20 students enrolled in English Language Learning (ELL) classes. Westbrook/Gorham Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a joint program that offers students training for jobs in technology, automotive inspection, and nursing. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) students can participate in an “earn while you learn” program with Gorham House and Genesis. Future plans include classes for restaurants jobs geared to new Mainers.

Bill Benson thanked people for communicating with him about the Narragansett modular project. Jennifer Whitehead suggested that people who want more information about SC issues should call or email SC members with their questions and concerns. Perry also reviewed steps for accessing information about committees and meetings through the District website.

Phil Gagnon reported that the joint facilities committee with Town Council (TC) members had met and is working on plans for a building survey to be funded 50/50 by the TC and SC.

In other business, the SC voted on stipends for spring sport coaches, most of whom are returning. They approved the revised Student Survey’s Policy that includes provisions against the use of data for marketing.