The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Stowell Watters, President of the Greater Gorham Farmers Market, stated that he hopes to incorporate more Gorham Historical Culture into the Market. If anyone has any concerns, questions, or suggestions, his email is

Jim Edwards and Jeff Bolduc, both of Solomon Drive, pointed out their concerns about the GHS expansion into Robie Park.

Councilor Phillips attended the High School Building forum and appreciated all of the public comments. She suggested that people check out the School and Town website for more information on the project.

Councilor Shepard reported that the Ordinance Committee met on January 15 and discussed impact fees and municipal road acceptances. They are still discussing these issues.

Councilor Wilder Cross reported that the Appointments Committee met last week and is in the process of filling current vacancies for varies Town Boards and Committees. She also disclosed that the NY Gorham coordinator for 2019 will be Brian Arnett and reminded people that they are always looking for volunteers to help with this event.

Chairman Hartwell announced the resignation of long time Planning Board member Ed Zelmanow and thanked him for his many years of service to the Planning Board and the Town of Gorham.

Chairman Hartwell asked the Council if he should be recused from the voting on Sebago Brewing Company’s license renewals due to a conflict of interest of his farm selling beef to the applicant. Town Council voted to allow Chairman Hartwell to vote on the below item.

The Town Council approved a renewal liquor license and a renewal Special Amusement License for Sebago Brewing Company, located at 616 Main Street.

A new Massage License was approved for Walter Raymond Selens, doing business at Gorham Muscular Therapy, 230 Main Street.

The Cumberland County Soil and Water District’s plan to use grant funding to enhance community green spaces at the Little Falls Activity Center and Phinney Park was approved.

The Town Council approved a plan by the Gorham Conservation Commission to build a community bicycle pump track off of Weeks Road.

The Ordinance Committee was asked to review adding requirements to the Land Use & Development Code requiring that taxes be paid before the issuance of permits and bring back its recommendations to the Town Council.

A proposal to amend the Land Use & Development Code to increase the number of lots and dwelling units allowed on a private way was forwarded to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and their recommendations. The full proposal can be found at

The Town Council forwarded a proposal to amend the Land Use & Development Code to allow for Personal Services and Professional Out-Patient Clinics in the Office Residential Zone, to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and their recommendation. The full proposal can be found at

The Town Council endorsed the Community Development Block Grant Applications for improvements to the Little Falls Recreation Fieldhouse and sidewalks on Mosher Road and Acorn Street in Little Falls.

The amount of $245,000 was appropriated for the purpose of constructing a parking lot and baseball field on the Chick Property as outlined in Phase 1 of the property’s master plan. (6 yeas, 1 nay: Smith)

The Town Council denied an application for an abatement of taxes based on poverty. (6 yeas, 1 nay: Hartwell)

The full meeting minutes are available at