The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Well, it’s November and we’re just days away from the midterm elections. Barring certain exceptions, today, Nov. 1 is the last day to request an absentee ballot or cast your vote early at the town hall. Maine has a long tradition of showing up to vote, and we have one of the top voting rates in the nation. I hope you’ll join me and Mainers all around the state and make your voice heard at the ballot box either today or on Election Day, Nov. 6.

Voting in every election is so important. It’s how we shape our futures and decide what kind of world we’ll leave for our kids. When we all vote, we can change the direction of the country, our state and our communities,

When you cast your ballot, you’ll see a lot of names but those names stand for some important values that you’ll also be weighing in on. Issues that will determine what kind of state Maine will be are on the ballot this year and so much is at stake.

From access to affordable health care and prescription medicines to a fair tax code for working families that’s not a giveaway to powerful corporations and billionaires; Medicare and Social Security; property tax relief; the survival of our rural hospitals; adequately funding education; rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges; the right for workers to organize for fair pay and benefits; the right for people to live their lives free from hate and discrimination; taking on the challenge of climate change and the serious pursuit of renewable energy; and rolling back the tide of the deadly opiate crisis that has stolen far too many Maine lives – all of these and more are on the ballot. And if we use our voices to speak together, we can make life better for all Maine people.

You might hear some people say that one vote doesn’t make a difference. Don’t believe it. The world is run by those who show up. Make sure you’re one of them. When you choose to be a voter, you are taking ownership of what kind of community, state and country you want to live in.

This month, you can be part of making it absolutely clear that we are people who stand up for each other and look out for neighbors when times get tough. I hope you’ll join me on November 6 as we choose together what our future will look like.

As always, please feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns.

Rep. Maureen “Mo” Terry is serving her first term in the Maine House of Representatives. She is a chef and small business owner with more than 25 years of experience in the food service industry. She serves on the Taxation Committee.

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