The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Susan Duchaine, of Design Dwellings, voiced her concerns with impact fees and encouraged the Council to look at where they are going.

Hans Hansen thanked the Lions Club for displaying the Flags around Gorham and mentioned that he would also like to see more holiday decorations in South Gorham.

Phil Gagnon expressed his concerns about the Council’s handling of Item #9352 at last month’s Council meeting.

Alice Lowell, of Gorham Residents for Responsible Growth, voiced her concerns about the rate of growth in Gorham and would like the Council to consider a moratorium on building. There were several other residents who spoke on behalf of this group as well.

Town Manager, Ephrem Paraschak, announced that the Metro Bus Husky Line would begin on August 27.

Paraschak congratulated Carol White, of the Planning Department, on her retirement. Carol worked for the Town for 11 years.

The Town Council approved a renewal liquor license for Gorham Sports Center, located at 215 Narragansett Street.

Massage Licenses were approved for the following masseuses: Audrey Nelson, 510 Main Street Group; Elizabeth Berks, Liz Berks Massage Therapy; Christina Downs, 510 Main Street Group; Chelsea Jackson, Theriault Chiropractic & Massage; Natalie Povlin, Skin & Body of Gorham; Heather Theriault, Theriault Chiropractic & Massage

A Moratorium Ordinance on Medical Marijuana Caregiver Retail Stores was approved.

The complete Moratorium Ordinance on Medical Marijuana Caregiver Retail Stores can be viewed on the town’s website at

A deed for a parcel of land located in the Madison Way Subdivision was accepted for open space and trail use.

The Town Council authorized permission to STJ Incorporated to access their property located on Hannah Drive between Lots 7 & 8 as depicted on the Hannah Drive Subdivision Plan.

The Town Council referred a review of new and existing Impact Fees to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendations.

The Town Council also sent the municipal road acceptance of private ways to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendation. Amendments to the Land Use & Development Code to incorporate the requirements of the South Gorham Crossroads were forwarded to the Ordinance Committee, for their review and recommendation.

The Town Council forwarded potential amendments to the Land Use & Development Code which incorporate the requirements of the South Gorham Commercial Center to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendation.

The Ordinance Committee will review and make recommendations on creating an Invasive Plants Species Ordinance.

The Town Council approved the transfer of $767 and a 2002 Chevy Silverado Pickup, both seized in a criminal case, to the Town of Gorham.

The Town Council also approved the transfer of $1,000, seized in a criminal case, to the Town of Gorham.

The Sprinkler System Ordinance was amended in order to establish an ordinance governing the installation of sprinkler systems in certain buildings within the Town of Gorham. The complete Sprinkler System Ordinance can be viewed on the town’s website at

The Town Council authorized the Town Manager to enter into a three-year agreement with the Maine Association of Police, Gorham Unit.

Complete minutes are available on the town’s website at