In her bi-weekly Superintendent’s blog on Feb. 7, 2025, Heather Perry addressed concerns over a potential executive order from the Trump administration aimed at dismantling or significantly reducing the Federal Department of Education. While this has raised questions about possible impacts on Gorham schools, it’s important to note that although the executive branch can alter how departments operate, it cannot cut funding tied to laws passed by Congress. Programs like IDEA (Special Education) and ESEA (Title I) are protected and require congressional action to change their funding.

With recent events, there may also be similar questions or concerns regarding President Trump’s recent threat to withhold all federal funds from Maine unless the state amends its Human Rights Act to remove gender identity as a protected class.

While such a move will likely face legal challenges, the same principle applies— federal funds allocated by Congress for specific purposes cannot be withheld or altered by executive order alone.

Parents and educators should continue to monitor these developments closely as they unfold.