The Feb. 4 Town Council opened with all 7 members present. The Jan. 7, 2025 minutes were accepted.
Open Public Communications
Ken Curtis, South Street voiced his concerns for the future needs of different departments in the town, especially fire, rescue, police, public works, and town offices, and hopes that the Council is hearing their needs, citing hiring and equipment needs considering recent development approvals, rising taxes and school budget needs.
Jim Means, Beatrice Drive, addressed his concern for the proposed development of over 1000 units in the Gorham Fairways Contract Zone, which was approved by the Planning Board with little consideration for the infrastructure needs. He urged residents to voice their opinion at the next Town Council public hearing.
Councilor Communications
Councilor Lavoie read the 2024 Year in Review of the Gorham Conservation Commission containing a long list of accomplishments. The review included goals for 2025, including trail maintenance, coordinating with Public Works on stormwater runoff issues, and the 5the Annual Gorham Cleans Up event scheduled for Apr. 27, 2025.
Councilor Simms thanked the Gorham Conservation Commission and recognized what a tremendous asset all the trails in Gorham are to the community. He reported that the Capital Improvements/ Economic Development Committee meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, Feb. 24 at noon and they will be looking at recommendations for streamlining the town permitting processes.
Councilor Siegel thanked residents who have reached out with questions and comments over the last few weeks and remarked that it was extremely helpful to hear everyone’s comments.
Chairperson Phillips noted that she and Councilor Gagnon attended a reception at USM for a kickoff of a recognition project called the Horace Wilson Project. Horace Wilson (1843-1927) was born in Gorham. Wilson was an “American expatriate educator in late 19th century Empire of Japan. He is one of the persons credited with introducing the sport of baseball to Japan.” (Wikipedia)
Town Manager Report
Town Manager Paraschak thanked Public Works for all their effort and hard work this winter and reminded residents of the overnight parking ban that is in effect for all roads in Gorham and that winter sand is available, 2 five-gallon buckets per person, at Public Works facility on Huston Road. He reported that the Rec Department is out grooming public trails for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing and that all Town administrative offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Presentation from New Year’s Gorham Ginny Wilder Cross gave a video presentation of the New Year’s Gorham celebration and stated that they are always looking for volunteers to make sure that they can continue to bring the event to the Town. Wilder Cross thanked three very important volunteers, who have been on the Gorham committee from the first year and are now stepping down, Doug Johnson, Donna Kennie, and Tom Hasbrook. She also thanked the many businesses and individuals who contributed financially to the event and very much appreciates the Town’s continued support.
Town Council issued a renewal Special Amusement License to Junction Bowl, located at 7 Railroad Avenue. (7 yeas)
Renewal Massage Licenses were renewed for Elizabeth Berks, Rhonda Lodgek, and a new Massage License was issued to Julia Adriance. (7 yeas)
Shaw Brothers Quarry Expansion
Several residents expressed strong opposition to the proposed Shaw Brothers Quarry expansion, citing concerns about noise, dust, air quality, potential water contamination, and property damage from blasting. Speakers and email comments emphasized the negative impact on their health, quality of life, and property values, noting existing issues with the quarry’s current operations. They urged the town to enact stricter regulations for quarries, similar to its residential codes, and argued that the expansion prioritizes a single business over the well-being of hundreds of residents living within the quarry’s vicinity. Several residents highlighted the lack of responsiveness from Shaw Brothers to their complaints and the inadequacy of existing regulations, emphasizing the need for the town to protect its citizens.
Town Council will not forward a proposed contract zone to the Planning Board for review and public hearing. The proposed contract zone would be with Shaw Brothers, Inc. for expansion of their Brickyard Quarry. (7 nays)
Town Council authorized the creation of a Cemetery Advisory Committee for the purpose of encouraging citizen involvement in maintaining, documenting, and preserving Gorham’s local public cemeteries. The committee will consist of seven members appointed by the Town Council for staggering terms and will be advisory in nature. (7 yeas)
Town Council accepted 1,575 feet of Falcon Crest Drive as a public way (taking effect on May 1, 2025) and that Falcon Crest Drive will be designated as an Urban Sub Collector. (7 yeas)
The addition of more indoor/ outdoor recreation facilities and similar commercial and industrial permitted uses to Gorham’s Industrial and Olde Canal Industrial Districts will be forwarded to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendation. (7 yeas)
An action to consider instructing municipal staff to only work with immigration and customs authorities for matters that are legally mandated failed as no second was received.
Town Council amended the Program and Procedures of the Revolving Loan Fund. (7 yeas)
Town Council adopted new and updated bylaws for the Gorham Zoning Board of Appeals. (7 yeas)
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