Staff Writer

Open Public Communications

Kathy Hamblen, read an email comment from Holly and Doug Carter as follows:

“The Town Council has a difficult decision to make about the Shaw brothers quarry expansion. Shaw Brothers wants to expand the quarry onto an area zoned for Urban Expansion. I have learned there have been several complaints over the years from the blasting and the dust that is created by mining.

I have talked with Dan and John Shaw about the situation. They made an investment in land with the intention of expanding the quarry. They are now facing pushbacks from the residents that live nearby. Shaw Brothers have been very generous with their contributions to open up land for public use. But you can’t justify generosity and good will for one neighborhood while affecting the quality of life for others.

The site was originally opened in 2008 with special exception for the land use. The town council approved the special exception permits knowing the town needs to diversify its tax base. But without a full understanding how it would affect the neighbors. The zoning to the south is Mosher corner mixed use and urban expansion with a manufactured housing overlay to the west and north. It is inevitable that more residential housing will develop in the area.

In my opinion the quarry should not expand until the concerns of the present situation are addressed. Silicate dust is a hazardous byproduct that affects the health of those nearby. Blasting is disturbing and can damage the nearby foundations, especially the older houses. Dan Shaw has assured me that their quarry is up to the highest standards in the industry. I’m sure this is true. But are the standards good enough for people that live close to the site? Shaw Brothers only has so much equipment whether it’s on the present site or to the north, the blasting and the dust are still going to be a problem for the neighbors. The town keeps approving more housing permits that are encroaching on the quarry site. The special exemption given in 2008 should have had the foresight to the situation we are confronted with today.”

Zach Miller Hope expressed his concern about the expansion of Quarry, that it would be very impactful on the residents nearby and thinks that it would not be the best decision of the Council to approve the expansion without more information and data.

Councilor communications

Councilor Simms reported that the Capital Improvement/ Economic Development Committee will meet on January 16th where the topic will be assessing opportunities to increase accessibility to our Metro bus service and ridership.

Councilor Lavoie stated that he was chosen to be on the Open Space and Trails Steering Committee.

Councilor Gagnon suggested that residents watch the latest Town Council Workshop video where the Council worked on goals and best practices.

Town Manager Paraschak revealed that there will be a Council Goal setting workshop on January 21st and also reported that the Appointments Committee is seeking citizen volunteers for positions on various boards and committees. Applications are being accepted until January 23rd and you can apply online or at the Town Clerk’s office.

Town Council amended the contract zone for 239 County Road, to add an abutting parcel to allow for the lot to be consistent regarding residential uses outlined in the abutting Contract Zone. (Councilor Willis disclosed that he has been friends with the Chicoine’s for years but does not believe his vote would be a conflict of interest. The Council agreed.) (4 yeas, 3 nays: Lavoie, Simms, Siegel)

The Zoning Map was amended to include 79 South Street into the McLellan Sampson House Conditional Zone. (7 yeas)

The Town Council re-appointed Laurie Nordfors as the Registrar of Voters. (7 yeas)

The Planning Board will review and hold a public hearing on changing Map 22, Lot 7 from Suburban Residential to the South Gorham Crossroads District. (7 yeas)

Town Council forwarded amendments to the back lot standards Land Use & Development Code to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendation. Full amendment is below:

“The back lot has perpetual deeded access to a publicly accepted street or a private road. This access shall be a minimum of 25’ in width and obtained by extension of the back lot to the public street or through provisions of an easement or ownership. of the minimum driveway width required for the number of dwelling units on the back lot plus side setbacks.”

(7 yeas)

Town Council also forwarded amendments to the Land Use & Development Code for road standards to the Planning Board for review and public hearing. (7 yeas)

An application to the CDBG program for $50,000 for improvements to the trailhead of the crosstown trail off of New Portland Road was endorsed by the council. They also endorsed an application for Community Action for Mental Health for mental health services for families in the Friendly Village Neighborhood for $15,000. (7 yeas)

Town Council set February 11, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. for a Town Council on Tax Increment Financing Districts. (7 yeas)

The full amendments and minutes can be found online at