Committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Sarah Perkins. Six members were present. The committee approved the minutes of several regular and special meetings, and workshops.
The School Committee recognized the GHS volleyball team and Coach Tirrell for winning the second consecutive state championship. Coach Tirrell, Athletic Director Tim Spears and Team Captain Natalie Smith thanked the girls for their hard work and dedication to the sport.
In addition, there was a short concert from fourteen members of the Narragansett School Band. Principal Erin Eppler and music teacher Lila Weiser explained that this group has only had six practices and rehearses before school each week. They are a dedicated and talented group of musicians.
Superintendent Heather Perry briefly updated the committee on the progress of her goals. Each goal has shown progress and is on track to be completed within the timeframe. She did inform the committee that in regards to Goal 2: developing a plan of implementation for providing special education services to three-four-year-olds, the school system will be taking a more regional approach and working with other members of the educational alliance to develop a plan, rather than a Gorham plan.
Emilia Oralu, the high school representative to the school committee, reported on a series of events at GHS, including a Native American Heritage Fair, the beginning of winter sports, the National Honor Society induction ceremony, the return of the steel band, a Garbage to Garden presentation for each grade level and a presentation on the protections ensured under Title 9.
Each standing and special committee reported on their most recent work and their scheduled next meeting. Each subcommittee also reported on their goals and their next steps.
The School Committee approved (6-0) the second reading of the following goals: Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy (AC), Harassment of Students Policy (ACAA), Harassment of Employees Policy (ACAB) and Pregnant Students Policy (JIE).
The committee voted (6-0) to approve the contract of the school superintendent, as required by statute.
Also approved (6-0) were the purchase and lease agreements for two new buses. These purchases had been included in the school budget, but additional school committee approval is required on purchases this large.
The committee then voted to go into a series of three executive sessions for discussion. (6-0)