Earlier this month, hundreds of thousands of Mainers cast their votes and engaged in civic participation. As we move forward from the general election, it’s important to reflect on what this means for Maine and our nation. It’s essential to remember that democracy does not end at the federal level. The choices made at the state and even local level of government build the foundation for our state’s future.

While national politics can be polarized and difficult to influence individually, local and state governments offer a more accessible and engaging environment to get involved. Your voice matters; when you call and email me, I will get back to you and can often connect you with a public hearing or advocacy group who need people to tell stories about how laws impact their lives. Local and state governments play a central role in determining policies that affect property taxes, education, and the environment.

A healthy democracy relies on us all staying informed through local journalism and reputable sources so that we have an informed electorate, and you can hold lawmakers, like me, to account. We are lucky in Gorham to have a great paper, and in Maine to have a thriving and robust press who acts as our watchdog. Writing letters to the editors and opinion pieces or getting in touch with reporters covering local stories are influential ways to be engaged in decision-making. Attending Gorham school committee meetings, joining a municipal board, or testifying on a bill at the State House in Augusta can influence spending and policy decisions at the state and local level. There are dozens of municipal board seats appointed by Gorham Town Council through the Town Council Appointments Committee. You can participate in issues from planning to historic preservation. Members serve a fixed term, and many will be open in 2025.

At the town website you can fill out an expression of interest and find more information about the work of each board. Contact the Town Clerk for more information or with questions. When those from different backgrounds and experiences get involved, it leads to more effective and equitable policymaking. Already involved – take the next step and consider running for an office.

As your state senator, I am committed to this inclusivity and believe active participation in government ensures that our community gets the best governance.

As we head into the 132nd Maine Legislature, I implore you to stay engaged with your local and state government. There has never been a more crucial time to protect the interests of our community. Attend that town hall meeting, meet with your elected officials and give your take on certain projects or proposals, advocate for that policy issue that affects you and your community. Your voice matters and we need the input of everyone in our community to help craft policies that reflect the character and needs of Gorham and the state of Maine. Thanks for sending me back to the state senate to continue to carry our concerns forward.

I am committed to hosting town hall meetings with Gorham’s new House delegation to hear from folks about the challenges and ideas they have for the upcoming legislative session. Please stay tuned for this by signing up for my weekly updates on https://www.facebook.com/SenatorStacyBrenner/. As always, I am a resource for you, your family, and our community.

If you need assistance with some aspect of state government or have questions for me, please reach out at Stacy.Brenner@legislature.maine.gov or my Senate office at (207) 287-1515. I will do my best to help.