Parnell W. Terry – Dem

9 Lombard St

Education: Gorham School Department, BA in broadcast production/communications from the University of Maine.

Employment: For the past 16 years I have worked for the Gorham School Department Facilities Maintenance Department. Prior to working for the school department. I worked as a carpenter and commercial fisherman.

Personal: I have lived in Gorham for 24 years with my wife Maureen, and three daughters.

Why should citizens vote for you?

If elected, I would work for smart strategic growth to benefit Gorham and the state of Maine. I will also work to ensure the state continues to invest in education and our children’s future. I would support policies that protect the environment without added pressures on Maine families and businesses. I will work on smart economic policies to grow small business in Maine while supporting working families throughout the state.

M. Thad Moody – Rep

90 Narragansett St

Employment: Semi-Retired, Moody’s Co-Worker Owned. Employed at Cooks Hardware 25 years, Moody’s 29 years and still counting.

Personal: Married 49 years to Roxanne Hanscom. 3 children Christopher, Tasha and Heather. 5 Grand Children. Lived in Gorham 60 + years.

Why should citizens vote for you?

Back in 1988 I was concerned in the direction that Gorham was headed so I ran for Town Council and was elected by the majority of residents who also thought change was needed. Fast forward to 2023, I’m running for House District 108 as I’m deeply concerned about where our State is headed and want the opportunity to participate in changing our course. A lot falls on one missing word we have lost sight of. Accountability!! I will promise to ask questions on WHY!! “Walk a Mile in Their Shoes” asked Why!! I’m asking for your VOTE! Thank-You!