Gorham Times Managing Editor

With over 50 members of the public attending, and all members of the council, Chairperson Phillips called the meeting to order. The minutes of the Aug. 6 meeting were amended by moving one section to the correct location. (voted, 7 yeas).

In open public communication Ken Curtis made a suggestion about increases in next year’s budget. Kathy Hamblin spoke about safety of Shaw brothers’ quarry, encouraging the council to take the time to explore these concerns. Michelle Littlefield spoke in favor of passing the bond question, presenting data to back up her statement.

Councilor communications included reports of the Ordinance Committee (Siegel, next meeting Sept. 26 at 10 a.m.), Finance Committee (Lavoie, next meeting Sept. 19 at 5:30 p.m.), blood supply shortage and reminder (Pratt), Regional Coalition of GPCOG and “Art on South” reminder (Wilder Cross), Sustainability Committee and CIPS Committee (Gagnon).

Chairperson Phillips gave the floor to representatives of the Reed Allen Community Fund, Mark Curtis to announce two upcoming events, Golf Ball Drop on Sept. 27 and Casino Night on Nov. 2 from 6 – 10 p.m., and

Angelo Sotiropoulos speaking about the beginnings of the Foundation. Chairperson Phillips then awarded Sotiropoulos with a Community Appreciation Award Certificate.

Town Manager Paraschak gave an update finishing the installation of pedestrian lights on South Street, and thanked the Department of Public Works for installing the storm water control system in the parking lot at the Municipal Center.

Sarah Perkins gave the School Committee Report that included opening of school and facilities notes, and explained the School Committee meeting schedule and locations. The full schedule with locations is on the School District website. A particular need mentioned is the continued shortage of school bus drivers, and encouragement for members of the public to consider being trained for this occupation.

Public hearings included:

  • A proposal to issue a renewal Medical Marijuana License to Chris Terison, Terpy Seas LLC, 17A Gorham Industrial Parkway. Property owned by Dave Cowen. (Admin. Spon.), voted 7 yeas.
  • A proposal to issue a renewal Medical Marijuana License to Alexis Cantara, XOCC LLC, 5 Little Wing Lane, Unit A. Property owned by Dave Cowan. (Admin. Spon.), voted 7 yeas

A proposal to issue a renewal Medical Marijuana License to Tim Nickerson, Deep Sun LLC, 5 Laurence Drive. Property owned by Bob Pearson. (Admin. Spon.), voted 7 yeas.

The following actions were taken:

  • Action regarding the November 5, 2024 Annual Municipal Election. (Admin. Spon.), voted 7 yeas
  • Action to reconsider Item #2024-8-4 from the Aug. 6, 2024 Regular Town Council Meeting, “Action to consider a bond request from the Gorham School Department.” (Councilor Wilder Cross Spon.), after several amendments, the proposal finally passed with 5 yeas, 2 nays (Gagnon, Phillips)
  • Action to consider approving applications from the Senior Property Tax Relief Program. (Admin. Spon.), voted 7 yeas
  • Action to consider selecting a consultant for an Open Space and Trails Master Plan. (Councilor Lavoie Spon.), voted 7 yeas
  • Action to consider endorsing a conceptual rapid transit design process request from the Greater Portland Council of Governments along Route 25 connecting Gorham to Portland. (Councilor Phillips Spon.), voted 5 yeas, 2 nays (Gagnon, Pratt)
  • Action to consider forwarding to the Ordinance Committee the review of a university district. (Councilor Phillips Spon.), voted 7 yeas.
  • Action to consider the adoption of a new fee to the Municipal Fee schedule. (Admin. Spon.), voted 1 yea, 6 nays (Phillips, Siegel, Simms, Pratt, Wilder Cross and Gagnon).
  • Action to consider authorizing the use of a public road for private easement. (Councilor Phillips Spon.) with amendment, voted to table item until next town meeting, 7 yeas.
  • Action to amend the Chicoine Contact Zone for properties Map 15, Lots 25-1 and 24.203. (Councilor Phillips Spon.), voted to table the item until the next meeting, 7 yeas.

The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.

For the complete meeting minutes and video record, visit https://www.gorham-me.org/town-council.