Staff Writer

Mike D’Arcangelo, Coopers Way, expressed his concerns with the MTA Gorham Connector Project. He stated that because the Council represents the citizens of Gorham and most citizens do not want the connector, he hoped that the Council will do whatever they can to stop this project before it goes any further.

Councilor Siegel reported the next Ordinance Committee meeting will be Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. in the conference room at the Municipal Center.

Councilor Sims reported that the Joint Fiscal Sustainability meeting will be held on Aug. 26 at 6 p.m. and he encouraged residents to engage and follow along by attending the meeting.

Councilor Pratt reminded residents there is a shortage of blood and suggested donating blood if able.

Councilor Wilder Cross reminded residents that “Art on South” will be held on the Preble Street Common on Sept. 7 and any artists or crafters interested in exhibiting should contact the Gorham Village Alliance for more information. She thanked residents who have sent her emails and letters and urged them to continue to do so.

Councilor Gagnon reported the next Capital Improvements Projects/ Economic Development Committee (CIPS) meeting will be Aug. 15. He received a letter from the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA) stating they are committed to the Corridor Project and will improve communications going forward.

The town manager reminded residents of Gorham Rec’s “Glow in the Park” event on Aug. 23 at Shaw Park, and the Summer Thursdays Food Trucks at Little Falls Recreation area, Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Council voted 7-0 to renew a medical marijuana license for Andrew Clough, White Pine Technologies, LLC, 15 Pearson Drive on the condition that they pass the inspection by the Fire Dept. scheduled for Aug 8.

Councilors discussed sending the contract zone concept to expand mineral extraction for Shaw Brothers Construction, Inc. to the Town Council’s Ordinance Committee. Hannah Hamblen, Brianna Meister and Charles Hamblen (also speaking for Nicolette Dalton and Sarah Allison) all expressed their concerns about quarry expansion, citing health and environmental issues along with noise, smell and dust as well as issues with blasting damage to their homes. They asked the Council to refrain from sending this item to the Ordinance Committee so that more time can be given to consider and research the expansion of the quarry as well as the health impact the expansion would have on residents.

Dan Shaw and Lee Pratt of Shaw Brothers both said they have not directly heard from anyone other than Nicolette Dalton about their concerns with the quarry until now. They are willing to have conversations about their concerns and get their input. They reminded the Council that sending this item to the Ordinance Committee will allow them to do that. Council vote was 5 yeas, 1 nay (Siegel) and 1 abstention (Pratt).

After discussion, the Council voted 6-1 (Phillips) to have voters approve the capital expenditure of $9,034,000 for Gorham High School cafeteria expansion and modular phase 1 addition (6 classrooms, adult ed bathrooms, utility rooms, etc), Narragansett HVAC $460,575, and rebuild tennis courts and move to Robie Park site, and authorize two councilors and two School Committee members to advise the school and town on Robie Park and its tennis courts $2,541,250. The total request is $12,035,825 (reduced from $16,764,871). A public hearing is to be scheduled before the November election. Voted 6-1 (Phillips).

The Council forwarded a Growth Management Ordinance to allow for exemptions for smaller dwelling units of 1000 sq. ft. or less in Gorham’s growth areas with 1000 feet of public transit route that do not generally promote higher enrollment in Gorham Schools. The Ordinance Committee asked to factor-in revenue positive development when reviewing the exemptions. Voted 5-2 (Phillips, Gagnon)

Voted 7-0 to hire Beta Group, Inc to conduct a wayfinding sign analysis and design project for Gorham.

Vote 7-0 to authorize the town manager to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Northland Enterprise, LLC for a lot in the Gorham Industrial Park West.

Voted 7-0 to authorize the town manager to execute a letter of intent to purchase and sales agreement for lot 1 (15.55 acres) for the sum of $1,100,000. Voted 6-1 abstention (Pratt).

Voted 6-1 (Phillips) to authorize the release of up to $1,100,00 in TIF funds for the final phases of the road construction in the Gorham Industrial Park West.

Voted 7-0 to authorize the town manager to transfer $427,500 received from closing on lot 2 to the Town’s TIF account.

Voted 7-0 to add Councilor Siegel as the Gorham Representative to the Metro Board of Directors.

Voted 7-0 to forward to the Ordinance Committee a recommendation to amend Map 1-06, lot 46 from urban residential to the conditional zoning district of McLellan House (Gorham Village Dental), neighboring the parcel.

Voted 7-0 to instruct the Ordinance Committee to work jointly with the Town of Windham on zoning changes for South Windham/Little Falls Village Revitalization Plan.

Voted 7-0 to support a grant application through Safe Streets for improvements to the Gray Road and Libby Avenue intersection.

Editor’s note: Town Council meetings are held in the Burleigh Loveitt Council Chambers and are open to the public. The Gorham Times Town Council Report is condensed from what appears on the Town of Gorham website. Find the full meeting minutes and video records of Town Council meetings at