GHS Student Intern

This past Sunday, June 9, was an important day for the Gorham Class of 2024. After thirteen years of school, this year’s graduating class finally got their turn to walk the stage and receive their diplomas.

The commencement ceremony was held at 4 p.m. during a miraculous break from the weekend’s rainstorms. Just as the graduates marched out onto the Gorham High School football field, the sun somehow broke through the clouds to shine down on them. The students walked in pairs down the length of the GHS track, led by class marshalls Lauren Pierce and Nicholas Tinkham. As “Pomp and Circumstance” played across the stadium speakers, the packed crowd stood to watch and take pictures. Once seated, the first to speak was Principal Brian Jandreau who gave a short speech celebrating the Class of 2024.

Next, he welcomed this year’s class president and salutatorian, Julia Wareham. Her speech focused on making little changes to foster huge growth. She shared personal details of her life to draw light on serious issues like mental health and suicide, earning loud applause and approval. Wareham further praised her fellow classmates and all their achievements before introducing this year’s valedictorian, Ella Downing.

Similar to Wareham’s speech, Downing shed light on the pressures that often come with high school. Getting good grades, moving up in social status, impressive sports performances, joining ample clubs, etc. She also shared some of her personal lows, resonating with both peers and adults in the audience. Her positive closing message overpowered all those hardships however, as she suggested that people try to look at life a little differently. A little more simply and maybe a little more softly.

This year’s guest speaker was David Willis, a real estate broker and entrepreneur. Willis’ speech focused on the common misconception that a change in an individual’s path equals failure. He spoke about how drastically his plans for himself had changed, but ultimately for the better. A local resident of Gorham, he also stressed the importance of community, family, and getting involved.

Once all the speeches were over, the class stood row by row to cross the stage and accept their diplomas. They shook hands with Mr. Jandreau, as well as their class officers and select school committee members, then returned to their seats. After the turn of the tassel and official commencement as Gorham’s newest alumni, the Class of 2024 threw their caps and celebrated.

Following their ceremony, graduates were invited to participate in a convoy through town as well as Project Graduation later in the evening. In the coming months, the Class of 2024 will spread their wings to go many different places. Lots of students are continuing their education at either two-year or four-year colleges and universities. Some plan on heading straight into the workforce or attending trade programs, while a handful are joining the armed forces. While most students are staying around New England, some will venture as far as the West Coast.

It’s clear that there are big things ahead for the Gorham Class of 2024. To look back on them is to see an array of interests and talents, ranging from athletics to the arts department to the vocational programs to clubs. They will surely pursue various paths and join a wide variety of careers. No matter where they end up, it is certain they will find success and do amazing things. Now that they have left their mark on the town of Gorham, it’s time to leave their mark on the rest of the world.