GHS Student Intern

Just like every other year, the New Year Gorham Committee is planning a community-wide event to ring in the 2025 year. This annual occasion features all sorts of performances, face-painting, magic, and more. Details regarding that event will be announced in the upcoming months. For now, the group is proud to announce a new event called the Grand Finale Musical Laser Light Show.

The committee has considered adding in this additional event for years. This option, which replaces the normal fireworks display, responds to both environmental and noise concerns. The explosive sounds can be upsetting to people and harmful to some pets. A laser light show alternative eliminates these worries, however not without a major drawback— the price. This change would more than double the cost of that of a fireworks display.

To avoid raising admission fees for community members while still making this responsible change, the committee needs additional funding. They are looking for anyone interested in supporting the effort and ask that they consider making a donation. All contributions will go directly towards the extra cost. Donors will also be recognized in the display credits.

If you are interested in donating, willing to donate, or have any questions about this event, you can contact Danielle Laughlin:

To join the planning committee, contact the NYG Coordinator, Thomas Hasbrouck: