Staff Writer

In addition to the referendum on the $53,111,427 FY25 school budget, approved by the Town Council, voters will be asked to authorize the purchase of a new fire truck. Purchase of the truck will not affect the mil rate, because the funding will come from an already approved capital account. Primary candidates for federal and state offices are also on the ballot.

Voters have until 7 p.m. on June 6 to vote absentee at the Town Clerk’s office in the Municipal Building. That is also the last day to request a ballot. Absentee ballots must be returned to the clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on election day, June 11. On that day, polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If a voter chooses not to vote their absentee ballot, they may vote in person at their regular polling place on June 11. However, they must not bring an absentee ballot with them. Eligible Gorham residents may register to vote on election day at their polling place.

This is a state and federal primary election. Voters registered in a political party, will receive that party’s ballot to vote for nominees that will run for elective office in November. These include nominees for president, U.S. senator and District 1 congressional representative. Democrat and Republican candidates for Maine offices are running to be on the fall ballot for state senator, state representatives, and Cumberland County commissioner. Since this is a semi-open primary, voters not enrolled in a political party may request either party’s ballot. No write-in votes will be counted.

Voters in Ward 1-1 will vote at the Gorham Middle School. Ward 1-2 residents vote at the Great Falls Elementary School. Those in Ward 2 vote at the Shaw Gym at the Municipal Center. Voters unsure of their polling place should contact the Clerk’s office for that information.