Staff Writer

Dakota Cummings, 59 Wood Road, requested approval to construct a private way to serve a single-family house off Wood Road was passed 7-0.

Grant Gushee requested approval to reduce the depth of unimproved land behind an existing hammerhead was passed 6-1 (Benson).

Moody’s Truck Center requested approval to divide lot 3 on Raceway Drive into lots 3 and 4 and to develop lot 4 into a 27,600 sq. ft truck repair facility to be placed on the consent agenda when the applicant is ready to meet the requirements, passed 7-0.

Gen X Capital Partners, LLC, Luxury Motor Toys requested site plan approval for 40 condominium garage units with associated clubhouse for luxury cars, boats and general storage was tabled until requested waivers as requested or mutually agreed upon were submitted was passed 6-1 (Benson).

A proposed amendment to the Land Use and Development Code to allow for unit bonuses for affordable housing in the Town’s growth areas (LD2003) was voted 7-0 to send to the next available Planning Board meeting.

A proposed amendment to the Land Use and Development Code to rezone lots on Preble Street from UR to OR was voted 7-0 to send the proposed amendment to the next available Planning Board meeting for a public hearing.

A request for approval to construct a mixed-use development “The Residences at Gorham Country Club” was discussed.

Calito Development Group’s request to construct a dry goods retail store and associated infrastructure on the corner of Ossipee Trail and Dingley Spring Road was discussed.

Greg McCormack, Samantha Drive, request for approval to construct a 323 ft. private way to serve a single family future house lot was sent to the consent agenda for the next Planning Board meeting, pending the submission of revised information addressing outstanding staff and Planning Board comments, was passed 7-0.