Gorham Times Editor

Garbage to Garden, the curbside composting company is coming to Gorham i n April. Founded in 2012 and based in Portland, Maine, this is a curbside compost service that helps residents, schools, and commercial business conveniently recycle their food scraps, including meat, dairy and bones, to be used to renew our local soil. A representative from the company said that they are asking people to pre-enroll now for an April start-up.

Scheduled to align with trash days, residents will be provided a clean bucket for kitchen scraps, and can then request a free, finished, clean compost of up to one bag per week. Unlike most backyard composting, the massive piles of waste collected at the company’s partner farms are large and “powerful enough to break down bones, weed seeds, pathogens, and even toxic chemicals.”

In Oct. 2022, the Gorham Times reported that Gorham High School began composting with Garbage to Garden in the cafeteria “thanks to the hard work of dedicated EcoClub members and supportive administrators.” (Oct. 2022)

With commercial routes already designated, this service will be available to residential customers in April. Pre-registration is important for the company as they schedule their routes with our trash days.

For more information, visit garbagetogarden.org.