USM Student Intern

The Gorham Town Council met on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023.The meeting began with the acceptance of the minutes of Jan. 3, 2023, Regular Town Council Meeting. Vice Chairman Shepard opened the meeting, and there were 12 members of the public in attendance.

Councilor Phillips reported that she attended the Capital Improvements/ Economic Development Committee meeting on January 26th, and the capital expenditures to date were discussed. Councilor Wilder Cross attended the GHS musical, Mary Poppins and commented on the stellar performance. The Board of Health will be meeting via zoom on Feb. 15 and will be posted to the town website.

The Town Manager reminded everyone that the winter parking ban is still in effect, as well as a reminder that sand is still readily available at Public Works. Additionally, he thanked the Public Works for their efforts throughout the storms. Town Manager Paraschak reported that Cumberland County ARPA funding is available for heating assistance. Contact the town for more information.

The School Committee report began with the announcement that plans of opening two pre-K classrooms in the fall of 2023. A “Listen and Learn” was planned for Monday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. held via Zoom.

Public hearings were held to hear comments on:

Item #23-23, moved by Councilor Gagnon, seconded by Councilor Lavoie and ordered, that the Town Council issue a renewal Liquor License to Make Dough LLC, DBA Otto’s Pizza, 109 Main Street, Unit C. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-24, public hearing to hear comment on a proposal to issue a renewal Liquor License to JBNI1 LLC, DBA Junction Bowl. Vice Chairman Shepard opened public hearing #2. There were no comments from the public and the Hearing was closed. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-25, moved by Councilor Gagnon, seconded by Councilor Wilder Cross and ordered, that the Town Council issue a renewal Special Amusement License to JBNI1 LLC, DBA Junction Bowl, 7 Railroad Avenue. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-26, moved by Councilor Siegel, seconded by Councilor Phillips and ordered, that the Town Council issue a renewal Adult Use Marijuana License to Harrison Otterbein, Warren West Group LLC, 289 New Portland Road. Property owned by 789 Development LLC. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-27 moved by Councilor Siegel, seconded by Councilor Phillips and ordered that the Town Council issue a renewal Medical Use Marijuana Licenses to Gerard Tardiff, Callander Corp., 5 Little Wing Lane, Unit B. Property owned by Dave Cowen. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-28 moved by Councilor Wilder Cross, seconded by Councilor Lavoie and ordered that the Town Council establish May 16, 2023 as a special Town Council meeting in order to approve of both School Department and Municipal Budgets. Proposed order voted 5-1 (Gagnon).

Item #23-29 action to consider reviewing zoning in the Gorham Village Districts to increase economic development, was moved by Councilor Siegel, seconded by Councilor Phillips and ordered that the Town Council forward to the Ordinance Committee, for review and recommendation, amending the Land Use and Development Code’s village zoning districts to increase economic development opportunities. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-30 action to consider authorizing staff to begin a review of on street parking and lane layouts in the Gorham Village. Moved by Councilor Phillips, seconded by Councilor Lavoie and ordered, that the Town Council authorizes staff to propose modifications to the parking and lane layouts within the Gorham Village to increase parking, walkability, bicycle flow while increasing the look and feel of a traditional village. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-31, action to consider ordering the Town to explore current and future Economic Development programs with the Economic development Capital Improvement Committee, moved by Councilor Phillips, seconded by Councilor Lavoie and ordered, that the Town Councilor authorize the Town to explore Current and future Economic Development programs with the Economic Development/ Capital Improvement Committee. Proposed order voted 5-1 (Wilder Cross).

Item #23-32, proposed action to consider ordering the Town to review the Little Falls Master Plan with the Capital Improvement/ Economic Development Committee was moved by Councilor Gagnon, seconded by Councilor Lavoie and ordered that the Town Council authorize the Town to explore current and future Capital Improvements for the Little Falls Recreation Area and Little Falls Community Center. Proposed order voted 5-1 (Shepard).

Item #23-33, a proposal that the Town Council authorizes a staff to execute a pilot program for recycling food waste. Proposed order voted 4-2 (Gagnon, Phillips).

Item #23-34, a proposal moved by Councilor Wilder Cross, ordered that the Town Council authorizes staff to release a request for proposals to qualified contractors to develop, rehab and utilize the town-owned building at 28 School Street for mixed-use dwelling unit and/ or commercial benefit. Proposed order passed amended 6-0.

Item #23-35, a proposal for the Town Council to authorize the town to explore and implement a public charging station at the Robie Gym location, with the cost to be included in the 2023/2024 budget. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-36, a proposal that the Town Council instructs the Ordinance Committee to review adding agricultural uses into the Village Expansion Districts and report back to the Town Council with a recommendation. Proposed order passed amended 6-0.

Item #23-37, action to consider instructing the Ordinance Committee to review minimum square footage standards in the Fire Suppression Systems Ordinance. Proposed order voted 5-1 (Gagnon).

Item #23-38, action to consider instructing staff to start the process for an open space plan. Proposed order passed 6-0.

Item #23-39, action to enter into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6) (c). Proposed order passed 6-0.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The complete meeting minutes and video is available at