Administrative Assistant, Gorham School Dining Program

After 35 years, Nov. 30, 2022 will mark Nancy Aceto’s last day working for the Gorham School District. Nancy began her career in the Gorham High School cafeteria on April 27, 1987. She worked at GHS for a couple of years before spending the next 21 years at Narragansett. She is finishing her career at Great Falls, where she has spent the last twelve years.

Photo credit: RainaLee Cooper

When asked what the biggest change has been in the kitchens Nancy said, “The biggest change I have seen over the years is the food we serve. We actually cooked and baked from scratch back in the day and it was delicious. We also had a lot more help!” Nancy has seen countless students pass through her lunchline, but one thing has remained the same; they love Pizza, Hot Dogs, Breakfast for Lunch, and Nachos.

What will retirement look like for Nancy? “I look forward to not getting up and rushing to get to work. I can’t wait to enjoy a cup of coffee. I love seeing the grandkids, I enjoy cooking, sewing, gardening, cleaning, shopping online, hanging out with our pup and the hubby. Oh so much to catch up with.”

One thing is for sure, Nancy will be missed in the Gorham School District. As Michael Sanborn, Dining Services Director said, “You can always count on Nancy. One of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with.” This is a sentiment the whole Nutrition Team (past and present) would unanimously agree with.

“After 35 years I have so many great memories! This has been my life, my home away from home, for so many years. So many years, so much fun, full of good times. I would never change a thing!”