GHS Student and EcoClub Project Manager

Written with Rachael Grady, GHS Teacher and EcoClub Co-Advisor

Photo credit: Rachael Grady, GHS Teacher
Dominique helps to highlight the newly installed compost bin in the GHS cafeteria

Gorham High School is composting in the cafeteria for the first time this year, thanks to the hard work of dedicated EcoClub members and supportive administrators.

Last year EcoClub members and advisors completed a trash audit and learned that the majority of GHS “trash” from the cafe was actually food waste and paper that can be composted. Because GHS pays for trash by weight, this became a compelling economic reason to compost, alongside the environmental reason that anaerobic conditions (think plastic bags in landfills) create methane, which increases global warming.

Photo credit: Rachael Grady, GHS Teacher
The waste audit in the cafeteria identified the percentages that could be composted and recycled.


Photo credit: Rachael Grady, GHS Teacher
EcoClub member, Natalie helps with the audit to determine the percentages of wastes in the cafeteria

With the data from the trash audit, EcoClub Project Manager Chloe Blanchard approached GHS Principal Brian Jandreau and got approval to learn about contracts with local composting companies. Garbage to Garden is a Maine business that agreed to come to Gorham to pick up the compost two days each week for a fee. Principal Jandreau has supported this effort strongly and sought full funding for the program. Although the funding did not make it through budget cuts, the plan was approved and EcoClub is committed to fundraising to cover the costs of composting this year. EcoClub members presented to the School Committee on September 14, and they, too, are supportive of composting in our school.

EcoClub is hoping that the Gorham community will embrace composting and will even want to expand access to Garbage to Garden toters at all Gorham schools, and also support having stations around town (as South Portland does), so that community members can drop off their composting. There will be a bottle drive soon, so please consider donating your returnables to EcoClub during the bottle drive, or to EcoClub’s Clynk account, to help cover these costs.

Composting is just one way that we can show we care about the Earth and do our part to improve our environment.