The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

The Town Council (TC) met on August 2 with all councilors present except Suzanne Philips. After public comment by Andrew LaPlaca who expressed concern over the vote last month to accept Musket Drive as a public way, councilors spoke briefly on several issues. Councilor Hager explained that work conflict kept him from attending the past two meetings. Councilor Hartman and Chairman Pratt gave brief reports of committee meetings. Pratt also encouraged people to donate blood if they are able.

Town Manager Paraschak announced that applications for the Property Tax Stabilization Program for seniors are available on the town website or at the Town Clerk’s office and are due by December 3. The program will not impact taxes this year. He said that the town-wide revaluation is nearing completion and should wrap up around August 15. Citizens with questions can call the Assessing Office.

School Committee Chair Anne Schools said there is an online question and answer document giving Council members an opportunity to communicate with the School Committee about the bond referendum request of $20,025,956. This document will become a public record available to citizens after August 19, prior to the public hearing on September 6. She reported on ongoing facilities projects. The GMS HVAC project, the GHS gym floor, bleacher project, and the field lighting projects have been slowed by several factors. She also announced dates for the opening of district schools. Bus schedules will be posted on the district website by August 22.

The Town Council voted (6-0) to amend the Land Use and Development Code to allow mobile vending units in the Little Falls area. After discussion about the availability of restroom facilities for a potential increase in restaurant patrons, the TC voted (6-0) to amend the Code to all and add performance standards for outdoor dining.

The TC voted (6-0) to amend the Land Use and Development Code to permit heavy equipment and retail sales and service in the Industrial and Roadside Commercial Districts.

The Council considered amending the Fire Suppression Systems Ordinance to permit building owners who do annual sprinkler inspections to make these inspections every five years or when ownership changes. After Mel Fernald made a public comment asking for a specific reason for yearly inspections of the anti-freeze loop, the TC voted (4-2, Shepard, Kuech) to table the order until September to obtain more information from the Fire Chief.

The TC voted (6-0) to amend the Land Use & Development Code to comply with the Comprehensive Plan in a number of situations. They also voted (6-0) to vacate Deacon’s Field Road and Spirit Circle after Julia Colpitts, owner of three lots in the Blue Ridge Subdivision, explained how many lots will be available and why the roads are not needed.

The Council voted (6-0) on the make-up of the Robie Park Master Plan Steering Committee as amended to include a non-voting high school student. The committee also will include a resident from the park neighborhood, a Gorham resident not from the neighborhood, a member of the Gorham business community, a member of the Gorham Conservation Commission, two TC members, and one Gorham School Committee member. Residents Jackie Lortie and Mike Chabot spoke in favor of a steering committee.

The Town Council voted (6-0) to adopt a Debt Management Policy, sponsored by the Finance Committee. One provision would limit total debt service as a percentage of the town budget to 20%. In FY2021 the total town/school debt was $43 million which required $5,077,714 annual debt service, representing 16.02% of the budget. A limit of 20%, which the TC voted for instead of the proposed 25%, would limit the total town/school debt to approximately $65 million. Revaluation will affect these figures some, but there is a provision that except for a safety emergency no debt shall be incurred that impacts the percentage of property tax paid on a single-family home by more than 5% in any one year.

The Town Council voted (6-0) to set September 6, 2022 as a public hearing on the Gorham School Department Bond Referendum and instructed the staff to advertise the public hearing with the requested amount and specific projects. The TC will vote on the request at the regular monthly meeting following the public hearing.

They also set September 6 for a public hearing on amending the Gorham Town Charter to amend the voter referendum cap to $500,000 and link that number to the Consumer Price Index and that the staff advertise the public hearing with the specific charter amendment language as required by law and prepared by legal counsel.