The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

At the May 11 regular meeting of the School Committee (SC), Superintendent Heather Perry announced that Monday, June 13 will be the final student and staff day.

The Legislature has passed the biennial state budget, and the state subsidy amount used in the Gorham school budget is official. The legislation that would formally move pre-kindergarten educational services to the school districts was not passed in this term, but the FY24 deadline is still in effect. Perry will serve on the state-wide committee to discuss funding mechanisms.

During the time for public comment several parents of Gorham students spoke in opposition to Perry’s procedure for handling their request that a classroom poster and book in the Gorham High School (GHS) library be removed.

Another commenter protested the removal of several large trees from Robie Park and asked why there is no long-term plan for the park adjacent to GHS.

School Committee member Stewart McCallister reported that school water is being tested.

Everyone was encouraged to attend the 10-year anniversary celebration at Great Falls School.

Darryl Wright thanked everyone involved with the successful GHS Prom, and other members thanked teachers and nurses for their hard work during a difficult year.

Cooper Power, who directs the Adapted Physical Education program, made a presentation on the work he does with students with disabilities so that they can enter regular physical education classes. This involves formal assessments and individualized programs of instruction. He spoke also about the Unified Basketball program that pairs these students with their peers for practice and competition.

The Teaching and Learning Committee, the Anti-Racism and Equity Committee, and the Dropout Committee will be meeting later in the month.

The Strategic Re-visioning Committee and the Little Rams Early Childhood Project are working on initial drafts of their reports.

Perry reported that hiring for eight positions is underway and she is meeting with candidates recommended by the hiring committees.

The School Committee (SC) approved (5-0, Gagon and Schools absent) four policies that had been updated to bring them in line with statutes and heard first readings of four more that the Policy Committee is revising for the same reason.

They voted (5-0) to approve contracts for probationary teachers, moving those 1st year teachers to 2nd year contracts and also giving continuing contract to 3rd and 4th year teachers.