Gorham Interact Club Advisor

On Sunday, May 1 and 8th at Gorham High School, over 60 members of the Gorham High School Interact Club participated from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. in a satellite event of American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Together, as a group, the Gorham Interact Club raised approximately $8,000 to aid in this worthwhile cause.

The Gorham Interact Club chose to get involved in the Relay for life to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.

At the event itself, the premise is that at least one of the 60 participating Interact members was walking or running the track at all times throughout the entire 12-hour event.

In between the walking and running, much eating, spikeball, cornhole, football tossing, and fun took place so that all students and adults enjoyed a great time together for a great cause.

To conclude the event, the Interact Club set out luminary bags in honor of people they know who have been affected by cancer in some way, and then honored 15 different cancer survivors during the concluding Survivor Lap.